Public Health Insurance in the Netherlands

Permanent residents and local employees (also from outside the Netherlands) are entitled to the National Health Scheme, the Dutch "Basisverzekering" (Basic Health Insurance).

JoHo Insurances offers:

  • Good Dutch Basic Health Insurances from specialised Dutch Health Insurance Companies.
  • All information and documentation in English, which is quite unique in The Netherlands.
  • Wide range of optional Supplementary Plans.
  • Good freedom of choice regarding Health Care Providers.
  • Direct billing possibilities with most of the Health Care Provides in The Netherlands
  • JoHo discount for Expats

If you wish to know more about the insurances or wish to apply for it, take a look at the Basic Health Insurance of:

What if you are not eligible for the Dutch Basic Health Insurance?

We also offer solutions for people who are not socially secured in The Netherlands. Employees paid from abroad (and no social security in the Netherlands), international NGO's and employers of Embassies are NOT entitled to the Dutch Health Insurance. JoHo Insurances offers:

  • Several international Private Health Insurances.
  • Insurances from Dutch Insurance companies specialised in the Dutch Health System.
  • The best international health insurances for worldwide cover from the world biggest and best health insurance companies.

Please contact us by email for more information.