Insurances for Expats and Migrants in the Netherlands

1.Migrants who are EU nationals

EU nationals living in the Netherlands must take out a Basisverzekering basic health-care plan with effect from the date they settled in the Netherlands. An exception is made to this rule for those who receive income on which they have to pay social security contributions abroad.

Documents required to apply for a Basisverzekering plan:

  • Basisverzekering application form.
  • Proof of settling in the Netherlands.
  • Copy of passport.

Insurance Options:

2.Migrants who are non-EU nationals

Non-EU nationals are only entitled to a Basisverzekering basic health-care plan from the date when:

  1. their resident's permit is issued.
  2. they work in the Netherlands and pay taxes

Documents required to apply for a Basisverzekering plan:

  • Basisverzekering application form.
  • Proof of settling in the Netherlands.
  • Copy of passport.

Insurance Options:

Zorg en Zekerheid Basisverzekering

Deadline for registering for Basisverzekering

The aforementioned documents must all be submitted within 4 months of the date when the entitlement commences, i.e. the employment start date. The Basisverzekering will then be provided with retrospective effect from the employment start date.

3.No Income or Income from abroad or working for an international organisation

In this situation your are probably not entitled to the Dutch Basisverzekering. You can take a private health insurance:

Insurance Options:

You can apply for all these insurances at JoHo Insurances!